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Oysters and health

January 5, 2012
Oyster, a bivalve Mollusc, is an excellent source of vitamin B12, copper, iron, zinc, and several other nutrients. In addition, the lipid content of the oyster, slightly higher than that of other seafood, gives it the advantage of being a good source of vitamins A and D, these being soluble vitamins in oil .
Active ingredients and properties

The active ingredients of the oyster has not been the subject of specific studies. Note however some studies showing significant results on the benefits of consuming fish and seafood First, a survey of more than 14,000 women showed that they consumed more fish and seafood Wed, less their risk of colorectal cancer was HIGH1. Another study conducted among Chinese, showed that weekly consumption of at least one meal of fish or seafood is associated with a lower risk of fatal myocardial infarction, compared with consumption inférieure2. At present, the beneficial effects of the consumption of marine products can be associated with a particular active ingredient, clinical studies are needed to identify the components involved. For cons, the presence of omega-3 in fish and seafood may have a role to play.

Omega-3. The oyster contains eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two fatty acids of the omega-3. The oyster is a very good source of these fatty acids, providing a comparable amount in some fatty fish like mackerel and sardines. The omega-3 fatty acids act as precursors of chemical messengers to promote well-functioning immune system, circulatory and hormonal. Several epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that consumption of omega-3 (mostly from fatty fish) may have favorable effects on cardiovascular health, including reduced disease mortality cardiovasculaire3. These fatty acids are known to reduce blood pressure, blood triglycerides and blood clots.

The fat content of the oyster is somewhat higher than in most other seafood, where particularly high amount of omega-3 fatty acids it contains. Although the optimal amounts of omega-3 to consume are not firmly established, scientific evidence shows that daily consumption of 500 mg to 1800 mg of EPA and DHA would enjoy the benefits that are reliés4 . Consumption of 100 g oyster (about two medium raw oysters) providing nearly 1400 mg. In comparison, the oyster contains 1.5 times less EPA and DHA than salmon, an oily fish.

If you live in Hong Kong, you can order French Fines de claires oysters on French Gourmet Hong Kong Food Store:

The most important nutriments contained in Oysters

Excellent source of phosphorus. Oysters are an excellent source of phosphorus, the second most abundant mineral in the body after calcium (see our handout Awards nutrient phosphorus). Apart from its essential role in the formation of bones and teeth, he participated, among others, growth and regeneration of tissues. It helps maintain normal blood pH. It is also one of the constituents of cell membranes.

Excellent source of iron. Oysters are an excellent source of iron. A serving of cooked oysters four provides 50% and 100% of daily iron needs of women and men, they have different needs in this mineral. Iron helps carry oxygen in the blood and the formation of red blood cells. It also plays a role in the production of new cells, hormones and neurotransmitters. Iron deficiency leads to anemia, causing weakness, fatigue and sometimes depression.

Excellent source of Zinc. Oysters are an excellent source of zinc. Zinc takes part in immune responses, production of genetic material, to the perception of taste, wound healing and fetal development. Zinc also interacts with sex hormones and thyroid. In the pancreas, is involved in the synthesis (manufacturing), to set aside and the release of insulin.

Copper: excellent source. Oysters are an excellent source of copper. As a constituent of many enzymes, copper is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin and collagen (a protein used in the structure and tissue repair) in the body. Several copper-containing enzymes also contribute to the body’s defense against free radicals.

Excellent source of Selenium. Oysters are an excellent source of selenium. Selenium works with one of the main antioxidant enzymes, thus preventing the formation of free radicals in the body. It also helps convert thyroid hormones in their active form.

Excellent source vitamin B2. Oysters are an excellent source of vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin. This vitamin plays a role in energy metabolism of all cells, in addition to contributing to the growth and tissue repair, production of hormones and red blood cell formation.

Excellent source vitamin B12. Oysters are an excellent source of vitamin B12, a single oyster cooked provides three times the recommended nutrient intakes. Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 helps in the manufacture of new cells, helps maintain nerve cells, folic acid makes active and participates in the metabolism of certain fatty acids and amino acids.

Good source Vitamin B3. The oyster is a good source of vitamin B3, also known as niacin. She participates in many metabolic reactions and special contributions to the production of energy from carbohydrates, fat, protein and alcohol we consume. Niacin is also involved in the training process of DNA.

Good source Vitamin A. The oyster is a good source of vitamin A. This vitamin is one of the most versatile, playing a role in many body functions. Among others, it promotes the growth of bones and teeth, maintains healthy skin and protects against infection. In addition, it plays an antioxidant and promotes good vision.

Manganese. The oyster contains manganese. Manganese using several enzymes in their functions, thus facilitating a dozen different metabolic processes. He also participates in the prevention of damage caused by free radicals. There is no Recommended Dietary Allowance for manganese, but adequate supplies.

Iodine. The oyster contains iodine. This is a component of thyroid hormones necessary for the regulation of growth, development and metabolism. The exact value of the iodine content of oysters is not available in the Canadian Nutrient File nutrients.

Pantothenic acid. The oyster contains pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5. This acid plays a key role in using energy from the food we eat. He also participated in several steps of the synthesis of steroid hormones, neurotransmitters and hemoglobin. There is no Recommended Dietary Allowance for pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), but adequate supplies.

Vitamin D. The oyster contains vitamin D. A single oyster alone fills 40% of adequate intake of this vitamin. Vitamin D is closely related to bone health, making available calcium and phosphorus in the blood. It also plays a role in the maturation of cells, including cells of the immune system. There is no Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin D, but adequate supplies.

So don’t hesitate and go for delicious French Oysters!

See also our post on Fine de Claires Oysters:

Source: translated and edited from


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